Submit a Game

We're excited to have you run a game at Go Play NW! We rely on our community to bring the fun for everyone.

To submit a game you'd like to run, please fill out the form below.

  • If you’ve never run a game at a con before, let us know!
    Go Play NW is a great place to run your first game; we’ll help however we can.

  • If you’re a game designer, we also have a vibrant playtest community.
    Playtest games are welcome! Just be clear that your game is a playtest so people know what to expect.

  • If you're not sure what games you could run online?
    Our Games Inspiration List has several suggestions for games that require minimal up-front preparation.

    Back to Scheduled Games

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Submit your game

* required field

Personal info

We encourage attendees to list their first and last names. However, if for privacy reasons you would like to use another name, enter it here.

Code of Conduct agreement

Go Play NW is committed to cultivating a culture of respect, support, and kindness at both our in-person and online events. We ask that all of our attendees agree to abide by our Community Standards, please take a moment to read them before answering yes below.

Code of Conduct

Game info
Please do not use emojis in your Game Name.
Please do not use emojis in the System field.
Please do not use emojis in your Description.

Images are cropped automatically at 16/9 ratio and centered. Images should be mininum 760x428 px and maximum 1,520x856 px (or there abouts) and formatted with jpg or webp (png or gif accepted but generally the former compress better).

Please do not use emojis in this field.
Player info
Scheduling info
Content warnings & safety tools
Please do not use emojis in your content warnings.
Please do not use emojis in this field.

Thanks for submitting your event!

Our staff will review your event, , and let you know about scheduling it!

You can submit another event now if you'd like.

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